Merry Christmas from Royal Insight Forum

Started by TLLK, December 24, 2021, 05:59:32 PM

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On behalf of the Administration, Moderation, and Royal Reporting Teams, I'd like to wish all of our members and guests a very   :xmas5:




Merry Christmas to everybody. Due to time zones it is now 12:30pm Xmas Day. We began the extended family celebrations here last night at about 4pm and have continued with brekkie at another house, lunch at another and then home to a gathering tonight. Whew! But what a relief it all is after the last twelve months. 

Blue Clover

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone is having a happy holiday season!


I hope that everyone from snowy Ontario, Canada and south to the U.S. across to the UK and then around the globe to Australia enjoyed a very Merry Christmas and will have a Happy New Year to look forward to this weekend.

Personally I'm enjoying the latest Outlander novel in the series Go Tell The Bees... and have been pinned down on the couch under a cozy throw and snuggling feline. I am thrilled to have a chance to just spend  the time off with my family.  :friends: Will be back to work starting on January 3, 2022.

Blue Clover

Enjoy your break TLLK! Sounds truly relaxing! I hope everyone has a relaxing holiday break.  :xmas10:


On behalf of the Royal Insight Forum, I'd like to wish our members and guests a very Merry Christmas!

Blue Clover