Denmark's Queen Margrethe II announces shock abdication in New Year's Eve speech: Monarch who stripped relatives of royal titles in 2022 will stand (
Queen Margrethe of Denmark will abdicate on January 14,2024 torch to her son CP Frederick
Meet the world's first Aussie-born queen: How Princess Mary worked as an advertising executive before meeting her future husband in a Sydney pub - (
Queen Margrethe's scandal-hit son Crown Prince Frederik will take the throne just months after rumours of an 'affair' with a Mexican socialite rocked (
Queen Margrethe of Denmark Announces She Will Abdicate in January (
Queen Margrethe of Denmark announces shock abdication, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary to rule | HELLO! (
Queen Margrethe II: Danish monarch announces abdication live on TV (
Denmark's queen Margrethe II unexpectedly announces abdication in New Year's Eve speech | World News | Sky News (
Queen Margrethe II of Denmark announces surprise abdication | Denmark | The Guardian (
Denmark's Queen Margrethe announces shock abdication in live New Years broadcast | Royal | News | (
Queen Margrethe of Denmark: Royal title rows and cheating rumours ? her biggest moments - Mirror Online (
Denmark's Queen Margrethe II announces surprise abdication after 52 years on the throne in New Year's Eve speech | The Sun (
BREAKING: Queen Margrethe announces she is to abdicate after 52 years ? Royal Central (
First details of abdication of Margrethe II revealed ? Royal Central (
The reign of an historic monarch, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark ? Royal Central (
Frederik of Denmark, born to be king ? Royal Central (
Why abdications should be the norm ? Royal Central (
Danish government confirms Queen Margrethe will remain ?Her Majesty? after abdication ? Royal Central (
Queen Margrethe will retain HM Queen same former Queen Beatrix they now Princess Beatrix
The path to a throne for Mary, future Queen of Denmark ? Royal Central (
She is first Australia born to become Queen
Queen Margrethe overcome with emotion as she announces the end of her reign ? Royal Central (
Welcome to Part 2 of the Danish Monarchy current events and news.
Wow, well this is a bolt out of the blue. Just woke up to this news. I?ve always been a fan of Queen Margrethe. Unconventional yet always dignified. Somehow I always thought she would go on to the end. However, maybe, health, age, a feeling that Frederik and Mary should be given a chance, the country a new beginning, spurred this. Abdication may well become more common in monarchies in the future. So it will be King Frederik, Queen Mary and Crown Prince Christian of Denmark. A change for the whole family.
Danish Queen Margrethe announces surprise abdication after 52 years on the throne | CNN (
Denmark's Queen Margrethe II to abdicate after 52 years on the throne - CBS News (
Denmark?s Queen Margrethe II announces she?s stepping down: ?The right time? (
Wonder when the enthronement ceremony (no Coronation) will be? February? The more I think about this the more I believe the decision announced today has been on the cards for a year or more. The Queen?s back operation brought it more into focus. It was responsible for the swift decision on the change of titles for Pr Joachim?s children imo.
And soon an Australian Queen Consort. Yeah!
Shocking news today! So many changes for this family in 2024.
@Curryong-I just learned that Mary will be the second Australian born Queen Consort. Albania's Queen Susan was the first, but Mary will be the one for a reigning house.
I hope that abdication will continue in the future. IMO, this offers the monarch an opportunity to enjoy their retirement years and assist/support their successor.
Hopefully Norway's King Harald and Sweden's Carl Gustav might consider this opportunity in the coming years
Quote from: Curryong on December 31, 2023, 10:36:23 PM
Wonder when the enthronement ceremony (no Coronation) will be? February? The more I think about this the more I believe the decision announced today has been on the cards for a year or more. The Queen?s back operation brought it more into focus. It was responsible for the swift decision on the change of titles for Pr Joachim?s children imo.
And soon an Australian Queen Consort. Yeah!
Haven?t decided when coronation will be hopefully will be spring or summertime wait till Danish palace will announced
I?d forgotten about Queen Susan. Thanks for the reminder.
It would be best for King Harald in his state of health if he had retired several years ago iMO. However with the tiny number of working members in the NRF I suspect that just won?t be possible and he will carry on to the end. If only M-M was healthy and active and his ditzy daughter had been some sort of help instead of what she is things might have been different and he could have considered semi-retirement. As it is it is imo on poor Haakon alone for the most part until I-A marries and has a couple of children.
I?m unsure about C-G. I just get the feeling he enjoys his status if not all of the duties to allow Victoria to take full control. However, who knows. It?s a rare bird, whether royal or not, who enjoys perfect health in their eighties. And as we?ve seen now with Queen Daisy that changes a lot of people?s perspectives.
Quote from: sara8150 on December 31, 2023, 11:54:25 PM
Haven?t decided when coronation will be hopefully will be spring or summertime wait till Danish palace will announced
The Danes don?t hold Coronations. It?s more just an affirmation and oath of intent in a ceremony followed by showing themselves to the people. That happens in practically every monarchy and has been so for decades. I do think it will be done quickly, perhaps Feb.
This is what happened when Queen Margrethe became Queen nearly 52 years ago. The day after her father?s death she stepped on to the Palace balcony with the Danish PM who proclaimed her Queen and she received nine hurrahs from the assembled crowds in front of the Palace. Later, she and her husband Pr Henrik appeared with the sons again on the balcony. She held her first meeting with Govt ministers that same day. And that was more or less that.
Except there is bound to be a banquet of some sort afterwards, visits from the other Scandi royals and later perhaps a State visit or two after the summer visit to the Faroes on the royal yacht by the new King and Queen and their family.
Facebook (,will%20not%20have%20a%20coronation.
@Curryong is correct regarding the details of the Danish ascension to the throne.
I wonder if Daisy will model her abdication on Beatrix's? A ceremony to sign the abdication papers and then she would accompany Frederik out on to the balcony with the Prime Minister?
Quote from: TLLK on January 01, 2024, 02:04:54 AM
Yes @Curryong is correct regarding the details of the Danish ascension to the throne.
I wonder if Daisy will model her abdication on Beatrix's? A ceremony to sign the abdication papers and then she would accompany Frederik out on to the balcony with the Prime Minister?
That would be very nice. She may want to leave Frederik alone for his moment in the sun, of course. I?m sure she will come out later on the balcony when her grandchildren appear. What a time this is for Christian as well! Just eighteen and already the Crown Prince. Of course Fred was technically CP at three years old but I don?t think anyone comprehends that sort of thing as a very young child.
Quote from: Curryong on January 01, 2024, 01:15:07 AM
This is what happened when Queen Margrethe became Queen nearly 52 years ago. The day after her father?s death she stepped on to the Palace balcony with the Danish PM who proclaimed her Queen and she received nine hurrahs from the assembled crowds in front of the Palace. Later, she and her husband Pr Henrik appeared with the sons again on the balcony. She held her first meeting with Govt ministers that same day. And that was more or less that.
Except there is bound to be a banquet of some sort afterwards, visits from the other Scandi royals and later perhaps a State visit or two after the summer visit to the Faroes on the royal yacht by the new King and Queen and their family.
Facebook (,will%20not%20have%20a%20coronation.
Queen Margrethe been Queen for 52 years since her father?s death in 1972 and her decision to abdicate date will be January 14
Quote from: Curryong on January 01, 2024, 09:44:38 AM
That would be very nice. She may want to leave Frederik alone for his moment in the sun, of course. I?m sure she will come out later on the balcony when her grandchildren appear. What a time this is for Christian as well! Just eighteen and already the Crown Prince. Of course Fred was technically CP at three years old but I don?t think anyone comprehends that sort of thing as a very young child.
Yes Prince Christian turned 18 last October 15 but Christian now CP
Quote from: Curryong on January 01, 2024, 12:43:28 AM
The Danes don?t hold Coronations. It?s more just an affirmation and oath of intent in a ceremony followed by showing themselves to the people. That happens in practically every monarchy and has been so for decades. I do think it will be done quickly, perhaps Feb.
Hopefully so we have wait and see 🙏🏻🤞🏻
Denmark's Queen Margrethe is abdicating 'to save her son Crown Prince Frederik's marriage to Princess Mary - and the Crown - amid rumours of his (
Inside the court of Queen Mary: After Danish monarch's shock abdication, how the life of the Australian-born Crown Princess will be transformed as she (
Queen Margrethe of Denmark's shock abdication leaves all major European monarchies with male heads of state - but now that heirs apparent across the (
Denmark's Queen Margrethe broke 'invisible pact' between Scandinavian monarchs to never abdicate, royal expert says - but could her shock announcement (
Denmark's Queen Margrethe II announces shock abdication in New Year's Eve speech: Monarch who stripped relatives of royal titles in 2022 will stand (
Denmark's backing for new king: Survey taken days before Queen Margrethe's dramatic abdication revealed over 80% of population had a positive opinion (
Queen Margrethe's grandson, who was stripped of royal title, breaks silence following abdication news | HELLO! (
Crown Prince Frederik: What do we know about the next king of Denmark? (
Crown Prince Frederik: Who is the former 'party prince' set to become Denmark's new king? | World News | Sky News (
How Australia?s Mary Donaldson went from commoner to Danish Queen | Tasmania | The Guardian (
Australians 'thrilled' to have first official member of European Royal Family | Royal | News | (
Inside Prince Frederik's fairytale romance with 'Kate lookalike' commoner Mary - Denmark's new Australian-born queen | The Sun (
Denmark?s Prime Minister on Queen Margrethe: ?she has done honour to the Kingdom? ? Royal Central (
Margrethe II on future king and queen, Frederik and Mary: ?you are a credit to Denmark? ? Royal Central (
The colourful tiara that has become the poignant link between a past consort and a future queen ? Royal Central (
When HM The Queen abdicates at the Council of State on Sunday, 14 January 2024, it will be the first time in nearly 900 years that this has happened in Denmark - thus, it will be an extraordinary and historic event:
Royal website: Abdication (
'Queen Mary' takes centre stage! Danish Prince Frederik's Aussie-born wife shines as the royal family turn out for annual New Year's dinner a day (
Inside the court of Queen Mary: After Danish monarch's shock abdication, how the life of the Australian-born Crown Princess will be transformed as she (
Meanwhile down under! Count Nikolai looks back on 2023 with glam photos in Australia where he started a new life after being stripped of his title - (
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark glitters in tiara in first outing with Queen Margrethe following abdication announcement ? best photos | HELLO! (
Queen Margrethe II: Danish monarch's 52-year reign in pictures (
?All of Denmark is crying?: Danes react to Margrethe II?s abdication | Denmark | The Guardian (
New Queen of Denmark Mary beaming at royal banquet hours after Margrethe shock abdication | Royal | News | (
Denmark's Queen Margrethe II announces surprise abdication after 52 years on the throne in New Year's Eve speech | The Sun (
Cheers for a king and queen in waiting as Denmark?s royals arrive for glittering gala ? Royal Central (
Just came home from vacation and was shocked to hear this. Thought she'd reign till she died like Elizabeth.
I do wonder if there are health worries we don't know. Or if has considered for a while and waited till Christian was an adult.
I don?t think the Queen came to this conclusion on Dec 30th! She mentioned in her speech that in the period of her back op last year her health was at the forefront of her mind while musing about her position. Everybody hoped that the operation was successful but she has constantly used her cane since while walking and there have been times when, although stoic, she was in pain.
And she is in her eighties. Christian has reached 18 now and could in theory take over should anything happen to his father. Frederik and Mary are in their fifties and are very practiced at royal duties. Frederik is 55. Perhaps Queen Daisy didn?t want to hang on till her nineties with her son still waiting. And the spectacle of King Charles?s Coronation at 74 probably strengthened that decision.
I think this has been in process for probably over a year. The restricting of Prince Joachims?s children?s titles (which came as a shock to everyone) was, I believe, part of the clearing away of possible problems before the new reign. And new reign, new year. And she can now relax and take care of herself at long last.
I agree probably been at least a year. But Christian turning 18 in December May be part of the timing IMO. He can slowly take on some roles if absolutely needed. The back surgery, her husband's death and so on likely had her thinking of slowing down or abdicating for some time, but she wanted to wait till her grandkids were a bit older.
In connection with the change of throne on 14 January 2024, a number of changes will be made in the management of the Royal Household:
More: ?ndringer i Kongehusets ledelse (
@wannable and @sara8
150 Thank you for the updates.
There is so much happening in Denmark between January 2nd until the 14th!
I tend to believe that because the "handover" is such a simple affair that it will make it a bit easier.
Now it's possible that Daisy might model hers on Beatrix's actual abdication ceremony . The document is drawn up and the necessary DRF members along with the government's representatives are present. Margrethe gives a short speech and signs the document. Frederik and Mary sign it. Also since he us now an adult, possibly Christian will too.
Then the announcement is made by the PM to bid farewell to Daisy and welcome Frederik, Mary and family.
No large scale enthronement event would take place, but perhaps a reception later in the year?
Daisy then throws a huge Zoom happy hour for herself and all her retired peers in which all have to show off a craft or demonstrate a hobby they have made or enjoyed in their post abdication time. :bday: :mbb: :violinstop: :sumo: :booknerd: :mil1: :polo: :scuba: :hula: :random44:
@TudorQueen -Looking forward to predictions as to which historic tiara Mary will wear first from the royal collection!
Changes in the titles of the royal family:
On Sunday 14 January 2024, HRH the Crown Prince will take over the Danish throne as HM King Frederik 10. HRH the Crown Princess will from the same date be HM Queen Mary.
The royal couple will henceforth bear the title of King and Queen of Denmark.
HRH Prince Christian will be heir to the throne and henceforth will be referred to as HRH Crown Prince Christian.
After the change of throne, HM the Queen will continue to be majesty and bear the title HM Queen Margrethe -
?ndringer i den kongelige families titler (
Quote from: Curryong on January 02, 2024, 04:28:43 AM
I don?t think the Queen came to this conclusion on Dec 30th! She mentioned in her speech that in the period of her back op last year her health was at the forefront of her mind while musing about her position. Everybody hoped that the operation was successful but she has constantly used her cane since while walking and there have been times when, although stoic, she was in pain.
And she is in her eighties. Christian has reached 18 now and could in theory take over should anything happen to his father. Frederik and Mary are in their fifties and are very practiced at royal duties. Frederik is 55. Perhaps Queen Daisy didn?t want to hang on till her nineties with her son still waiting. And the spectacle of King Charles?s Coronation at 74 probably strengthened that decision.
I think this has been in process for probably over a year. The restricting of Prince Joachims?s children?s titles (which came as a shock to everyone) was, I believe, part of the clearing away of possible problems before the new reign. And new reign, new year. And she can now relax and take care of herself at long last.
Late Queen Elizabeth still head of state for 70 years when she took duty at 26 years old after her father died but Queen Margrethe makes decisions to abdicate like Beatrix
before Charles become King he been waiting become King he been Prince of Wales for over 50 years and he crowned last May 6,2023
Queen Margrethe had back surgery but she send her son CP Frederick for his mom?s behalf till NOW Frederick will taking his mom?s place
Inside the colourful life of 'Ashtray Queen' Margrethe: The 6ft chain-smoking, hotdog-eating Tolkien-loving 'fashion icon' monarch who wept at her (
Queen Margrethe resigned at a 'good time' as new King Frederik will have 'no need' to rely on shunned brother Joachim because his son Christian is 18, (
Mary of Denmark displayed the 'body language of a queen' in her first public appearance since Margrethe's shock abdication - but she still shows signs (
Denmark's Prince Joachim stays silent on his mother's abdication: Queen Margrethe's second son refuses to comment as he leaves NY party after older (
Moment Danish revellers gasp in shock at Queen Margrethe II's surprise abdication after 52 years on the throne as her announcement interrupts their (
Like King Charles
Could Charles follow Denmark's Queen Margrethe? King could choose to abdicate in 'five or ten years' and 'pass on' crown to William and Kate while (
What Prince Joachim was doing when his mother Queen Margrethe delivered abdication news | HELLO! (
King Charles may follow Danish Queen's lead and pass crown to William early, experts say - Mirror Online (
Meet scandal-hit ?party prince? set to be Denmark's King after Queen 'abdicated to save his marriage? amid affair claims | The Sun (
Gert?s Royals Twitter says
QuoteThe Kingdom of Denmark is made up of 3 parts, Denmark and 2 autonomous territory (Greenland & the Faroe Islands).I would not be surprised to see King Frederik shortly after his accession make a trip to Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
QuoteDenmark does not have a tradition of abdication. Queen Margrethe will become the first Danish monarch in almost 900 years to abdicate, and the 2nd in Denmark's history. (King Eric III Lamb of Denmark abdicated in 1146, at age ~25, after ruling for 9 years.
Quote from: TLLK on January 02, 2024, 05:04:31 PM
@TudorQueen -Looking forward to predictions as to which historic tiara Mary will wear first from the royal collection!
Yes, will it be the Pearl poire set? It won?t be (at least I hope not) that strange gold arrangement Daisy was so fond of.
Bert?s Royals is wrong on one count with that diagram. Queen Margrethe is to drop her regnal number of Margrethe II and will simply be known as Her Majesty Queen Margrethe, or more simply Queen Margrethe. I believe King Juan Carlos of Spain did the same thing on his abdication.
Mary will become first Australia Queen of Denmark
I expected the British tabloids to go for the salacious as soon as this news was announced and try and assert that the doings (whatever they were) in Madrid last October were a main reason for Queen Daisy?s abdication. And I was correct. They never disappoint!
What they were really hoping for no doubt was that the Danish monarchy would be thrown into crisis and Danes everywhere would be speaking out against Fred. Instead, nothing at all happened. La affair Casanova didn?t cause even a twitch in Denmark. The Crown Prince couple remain extremely popular.
That hasn?t stopped the Fail, Sun and the others from speculating that Queen Margrethe was thrown into a decision that her son?s marriage must be saved/strengthened (hint hint that Mary was thinking of walking out) and so the abdication was announced two months later. Totally and completely ridiculous. However when has that ever stopped London?s tabloids!
So who's copying who? Princess Kate and Denmark's new Queen Mary are both commoners who married heirs to the throne... Now, style-watchers are asking (
Danish Royal House Announces New Titles amid Queen Margrethe's Abdication (
Meet Denmark's Royals: Your Guide to the Danish Monarchy's Family Tree (
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary's new royal titles confirmed | HELLO! (
Oh, so now Kate and Mary are copying each other?s fashion styles (which are similar) in spite of the fact that Mary has been in royal public life and married to a Crown Prince for nearly two decades and Kate for about twelve years. Mary, in almost all cases wore the trouser suits first. And in fact Meghan wore trouser suits before Kate, as in the first Well Child award ceremony she took part in. She wore black then, and slacks on other formal occasions before Kate.
Just as the media are now asserting, with all the authority they possess (that is zero) that Kate and William are besties with the new Danish King and Queen. That is in spite of the fact that there is a decade and more age gap between them, not to mention that the four of them have met all of approximately ten times (if that) since 2011! It?s truly farcical how these tabloids constantly try to assert that two and two make five.
Quote from: TudorQueen on January 02, 2024, 12:50:01 AM
Just came home from vacation and was shocked to hear this. Thought she'd reign till she died like Elizabeth.
I do wonder if there are health worries we don't know. Or if has considered for a while and waited till Christian was an adult.
Tudor Queen, I thought the same thing. Maybe she can't go on reigning until her death. I hope Mary and Fred's relationship can weather this transition, they will have to lean on each other.
@TLLK @Curryong I would love to see her in the pearl poire. Margrethe wore it for her first portrait as queen so would be fitting :hearts: :flower3:
Wedding gift to Princess Louise of Prussia in 1825 and worn by every Danish queen since.
The Pearl Poire Tiara (
As long as its not the hiddeous modern gold tiara I can be happy though.
In Denmark will have no coronation for newly sovereign King Frederick and Queen Mary that called proclamation not back to 1800?s that same Queen Margrethe become Queen in 1972 respective
Christian VIII was the last coronated king,1840, and immediately after the succesion of his son King Frederik VII in 1848, Frederik VII signed the first constitution in 1849.
Why does Denmark not have a coronation?
The Danish royal family scrapped its elaborate coronations in the 1800s in favour of a simple proclamation. In essence, the act is simply one monarch accepting their new duties while also mourning the loss of the previous sovereign.
Same Queen Margrethe?s father if im correct or im wrong
Inauguration, not coronation, and how the Dutch monarchy is (almost) just a job - Victoria Times Colonist (
Same Dutch Royals,Spain Royals and Belgium Royals swore for jobs not coronation ceremonies
Danish republicans mobilise after shock abdication of Queen Margrethe II - who will stand aside for scandal-hit son Crown Prince Frederik | Daily Mail (
Frosty reception! Prince Frederik and Princess Mary of Denmark appear distant for New Year outing amid rumours Queen Margrethe's abdication was bid to (
Queen Margrethe, Prince Frederik, Princess Mary Step Out Amid Abdication News (
Prince Frederik and Princess Mary make regal appearance after future royal titles are announced | HELLO! (
Why Prince Frederik and Princess Mary will not have a coronation | HELLO! (
"The first Danish coronation was in 1170 and the last in 1840 for King Christian VIII and his second wife, Caroline Amalie of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenberg, who succeeded in 1839 and died in 1848. The throne passed to his thrice-married son, Frederik VII, who had no surviving children." "Denmark was an elective monarchy until 1660. These elective monarchs had full coronation ceremonies, but the change to the hereditary monarchy in 1660 brought a new ceremony. The king and queen were anointed but no crowning. They came into the church wearing their crowns. By 1849, when Frederik VII succeeded, Denmark was a constitutional monarchy, and the anointing ceremony was abolished." "Since 1849, the new sovereign has been proclaimed as King or Queen by the Prime Minister. Margrethe was proclaimed queen on the balcony of Christiansborg Palace on 15 January 1972, the day after her father, Frederik IX died.
"This will be the first time that the proclamation (far less formal than the Accession Council where Charles was proclaimed) will happen because a Sovereign is abdicating, and not because of a death, so Frederik will not be wearing mourning clothes."
While Edward VIII's abdication in 1936 sparked a constitutional crisis in Britain, Marlene says that abdication is not common in the Danish monarchy's history, with the last in its history when Eric III Lam stepped down in 1146.
She adds: "In numerous interviews and statements, Queen Margrethe had been adamant that she would not abdicate. In her speech, Margrethe alluded to her back surgery and that gave her thought about abdicating. Perhaps there are other health ailments not yet known.
"It was not on my royal bingo card for 2023, but it was the Queen's careful decision, not done lightly, and certainly not in haste.
"She said in her speech, 'The surgery naturally gave rise to thinking about the future - whether the time had come to leave the responsibility to the next generation.'"
While the likes of Belgium and Spain have seen their respective monarchs Albert II and Juan Carlos I abdicate in recent years in favour of their younger heirs, Marlene says: "Abdication is not as common in Europe as you think. The Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg have established abdication of the sovereign in favour of the next in line."
Crown Princess Mary: Australia celebrates an unexpected Queen (
Princess Mary receives blow months before she becomes Denmark's Queen | Royal | News | (
Denmark royals unveil significant changes in wake of Queen Margrethe's abdication | Royal | News | (
King Charles urged to give Royal Family 'fresh start' as Queen Margrethe II abdicates | Royal | News | (
How Princess Kate and lookalike Danish royal pal Mary bonded over bitter sister-in-law feuds and shared glam style | The Sun (
Revealed: how Margrethe II will abdicate and end her reign of 52 years ? Royal Central (
No coronation and a much happier proclamation: what to expect as King Frederik takes the Danish throne ? Royal Central (
In Denmark will have no coronation ceremony unlike British will called proclamation immediately what Queen Margrethe said in new year speech
Danish Royal House confirms major title changes after accession of new king ? Royal Central (
Queen Margrethe will retain HM Queen and Frederick and Mary taking succession Christian will become CP Prince
From the royal family website:
Background on succession to the throne (
I am trying to wrap my mind around the changes and the decision not to have a coronation. I know some balcony event served as a coronation in the past, but they aren't doing that. I wonder who made this decision.
I would loved to see a big flashy coronation but I think I see the point of doing it this way. Monarchies and coronations are part of the past. To survive in today?s world the different royal families have to forge a new path to survive. Coronations are, in essence, a way of showing that the monarch is above all others. In a world of equality that just doesn?t fly. The monarchs role as head of state has a place still but as an elevated being, not so much. I really think that Charles? coronation, pared down as it was, is going to be the last one we saw. It really is hard to justify the money that is spent.
So, no coronation. No glitsy crowns and robes. Darn.
Quote from: Blue Clover on January 04, 2024, 04:18:33 AM
I am trying to wrap my mind around the changes and the decision not to have a coronation. I know some balcony event served as a coronation in the past, but they aren't doing that. I wonder who made this decision.
What ?changes?? What ?decision?? The last Coronation of the sort that is seen in the UK occurred in Denmark in 1840. Every monarch since then has been acclaimed from the balcony by the serving PM (or earlier by the President of the Council.) Frederik will be merely following the traditions of his country and his predecessors, even though his mother is abdicating and hasn?t died.
The last Coronation UK style seen in Scandinavia was King Haakon of Norway in 1906. And that was probably as a compliment to Queen Maud as the daughter of King Edward VII.
The only monarchy in the world to have a Coronation is GB. No other European monarchy has it. Spain doesn?t, Belgium doesn?t, Norway, Sweden and Denmark don't, the Netherlands doesn?t. Most haven?t had coronations for centuries. Would you point out please which European country besides the UK has regularly held Coronations in the last century.
Curryong, My comment was based on this: Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark: A Dramatic Change On The Day Of His Proclamation &More #Royal News - YouTube (
Oh I?m so sorry! My mistake. Ought to have looked. Is this an official announcement from the Danish Court btw? Apart from this Royal News YouTube thing can?t find any source.
However, if true, I think the changes would be due solely to the legislative process that will have to take place in the switch from one monarch to another. After all, this is the only abdication in modern Danish history (and this arguably is the oldest monarchy in Europe) and dead monarchs dont sign anything! All the politicians have to be present, it has to be transparent.
I have no doubt whatsoever with this monarchy that King, Queen, and all the family including the abdicated Queen Margrethe will be on that balcony in front of loyal crowds sooner rather than later. It has to be given time. This abdication was no doubt a shock to the Danish population. However I?m sure that there will be visits from the other Scandi royals, a gala banquet and a cruise to the Faroes in the coming months.
A Danish poster on the big royal forum answered a query from a poster who must have seen the same YouTube video you linked. Below is the gist of what he posted in reply. That YouTube video appears to have been a mistranslation from somewhere.
?No, the statement from the PM's office says that the PM, Mette Frederiksen, will proclaim Frederik next Sunday.
I think this misunderstanding stems from the fact that no law says that the PM must do the proclamation. It can be anyone. It's just become tradition that it's the PM.
There has also been some speculation that the snowstorm yesterday could prevent the proclamation. But that's a bit far out! Unless there is a howling Fimbull (*) snowstorm in Copenhagen next Sunday there will be a proclamation.?
Schedule for the change of throne on 14 January 2024:
Tidsplan for tronskiftet den 14. januar 2024 (
@sara8150 -
Meet Denmark's Royals: Your Guide to the Danish Monarchy's Family Tree (
It was interesting to learn that Queen Margrethe II had received the nickname The Ashtray Queen.
Quote from: Curryong on January 02, 2024, 09:07:30 PM
Yes, will it be the Pearl poire set? It won?t be (at least I hope not) that strange gold arrangement Daisy was so fond of.
I really hope that the Golden Poppies ate part of her personal collection!!!
Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on January 04, 2024, 04:55:31 PM
Thank you @PrincessOfPeace for sharing the schedule.
Compared to other monarchies, this is about as streamlined as it can get.
Schedule for the change of throne on 14 January 2024:
Tidsplan for tronskiftet den 14. januar 2024 (
Quote from: TLLK on January 04, 2024, 10:03:17 PM
Yes, and barring some hellish weather event the schedule of the balcony appearance of the new monarch will continue. The monarchy banners will also be transferred from one castle to the other as they always have been, as well. Goodness knows what that YouTube thing was on about.
Quote from: LouisFerdinand on January 04, 2024, 09:15:59 PM
@sara8150 -
Meet Denmark's Royals: Your Guide to the Danish Monarchy's Family Tree (
It was interesting to learn that Queen Margrethe II had received the nickname The Ashtray Queen.
Both she and Pr Henrik were (have been) heavy smokers all their lives. As apparently was King Frederik IX, Queen Daisy?s father. I?m amazed really that she has lasted as long as she has with no serious respiratory problems. And sorry, but bluntly heavy smokers carry the aroma of cigarettes around with them. I had a great-uncle who constantly smoked a certain brand of pipe tobacco. You could practically smell him from yards away! And some pipe tobaccos were much more pleasant to sniff than cigarette ash!
Quote from: Curryong on January 04, 2024, 09:23:45 AM
A Danish poster on the big royal forum answered a query from a poster who must have seen the same YouTube video you linked. Below is the gist of what he posted in reply. That YouTube video appears to have been a mistranslation from somewhere.
?No, the statement from the PM's office says that the PM, Mette Frederiksen, will proclaim Frederik next Sunday.
I think this misunderstanding stems from the fact that no law says that the PM must do the proclamation. It can be anyone. It's just become tradition that it's the PM.
There has also been some speculation that the snowstorm yesterday could prevent the proclamation. But that's a bit far out! Unless there is a howling Fimbull (*) snowstorm in Copenhagen next Sunday there will be a proclamation.?
Curryong, Yes, there has been contradictory information. Today the balcony proclamation was mentioned as being on the agenda. It's all very sad. Queen Margrethe II has served her country tirelessly for 52 years.
Louis Ferdinand, Yes, she smoked heavily. :blush:
Quote from: TLLK on January 04, 2024, 10:00:32 PM
I really hope that the Golden Poppies ate part of her personal collection!!!
Seriously though, how many parures and Tiaras is Queen Margrethe going to hand over? I did notice that Daisy was (a bit like the late Queen Elizabeth,) not very keen on completely opening up the vaults to her daughters in law and, with few exceptions, other female relatives.
And I am aware that there is a very old Family Trust in place about the Four Garnitures (or Crown Jewels) the more historic pieces. I guess I?m thinking more of some of the Queen?s grander personal jewellery.
Perhaps because of the Joachim/Alexandra marriage going west with a beautiful new tiara (imo) still in Alexandra?s possession, the Queen allowed the ruby parure to go to Mary and Marie to have her wedding tiara for use at gala occasions, but other than that there seemed to be few exchanges of tiaras or grand necklaces between the three women.
I certainly believe that Mary wouldnt deprive her mother in law of the Golden Poppies but as well as the pear parure I hope two or three more tiaras are heading in the new Queen consort?s direction. After all Mary has two daughters as well and Isabella will soon be eighteen.
Article about the Four Garnitures in the Danish House. I wasn?t aware that the Danish monarch isn?t allowed to take any of these on State Visits abroad.
The Crown Jewels (
Queen Margrethe II?s Royal Tiaras (
If these are in the wrong thread please remove to the right one!
Queen Margrethe's final bow: Danish monarch makes last public appearance before stepping down after 52 years on the throne | Daily Mail Online (
Queen Margrethe Makes Last Appearance Before Controversial Abdication (
Queen Margrethe?s final appearance as sovereign on January 14,2024
Queen Margrethe supported by Crown Princess Mary for final appearance as queen - best photos | HELLO! (
Queen Margrethe II's makes a final public appearance in Copenhagen | Royal | News | (
Queen Margrethe of Denmark will officially abdicate next week - but don't expect a coronation! How the transferrence of power will unfold as the (
Article says will have no coronation in Denmark will have low profile
What a massive transition for this family. I can't wait to see how the new King and Queen Consort manage the changes.
The National Historical Museum at Frederiksborg Palace marks the upcoming change of throne with a special exhibition, where the museum's portraits and photographs of Queen Margrethe II are brought together:
DET DANSKE KONGEHUS ?? on Instagram: "Det Nationalhistoriske Museum p? Frederiksborg Slot markerer det kommende tronskifte med s?rudstillingen (
Here is a piece of film on YouTube from Jan 1972, showing the young Queen Margrethe in deepest mourning being acclaimed by the then Danish PM and the enormous crowds in front of the Palace.
Prinsesse Margrethe udr?bes til dronning - 15. januar 1972 - YouTube (
Apparently within hours of the Queen announcing her abdication in her New Year speech, hotels in Copenhagen were being booked up to capacity, in spite of extremely cold weather.
On 14 January 2024, HM The Queen will step down as Queen of Denmark and leave the throne to HRH the Crown Prince. The following official events mark the change of throne -
Program for the change of throne: Program for tronskiftet (
Queen Margrethe held the last Audience of her reign yesterday. Must have felt strange for her.
Laundry employee Flemming Kj?lstrup Jensen from Bispebjerg Central Laundry had a public audience with Queen Margrethe II.
DET DANSKE KONGEHUS ?? on Instagram: "Vaskerimedarbejder Flemming Kj?lstrup Jensen fra Centralvaskeriet Bispebjerg var for kort tid siden den sidste (
Here is the program for the change of throne:
Sunday, January 14
At 13.35 The Crown Prince couple drives from Amalienborg
The Crown Prince couple and HRH Prince Christian drive by car from Frederik VIII's Palace, Amalienborg to Christiansborg Castle.
Route: Frederiksgade, Bredgade, Kongens Nytorv, Holmens Kanal, Prins J?rgens G?rd
At 13.37 HM The Queen travels in the coach from Amalienborg
H.M. The Queen rides in the carriage from Christian IX's Palace, Amalienborg to Christiansborg Castle, escorted by the Horse Squadron of the Guardhussar Regiment.
Route: Frederiksgade, Bredgade, Kongens Nytorv, Holmens Kanal, Prins J?rgens G?rd
At 14.00 Council of State at Christiansborg Castle
H.M. The Queen, HRH the Crown Prince and HRH Prince Christian participate together with the government and the Cabinet Secretary in the Council of State.
The change of throne takes place during the meeting of the Council of State at the moment when the Queen has signed a declaration of her abdication.
At 14.15 HM Queen Margrethe's departure from Christiansborg Castle
H.M. Queen Margrethe drives to Christian IX's Palace, Amalienborg.
Route: Prins J?rgens G?rd, Holmens Bro, Holmens Kanal, Kongens Nytorv, Bredgade, Sankt Ann? Plads, Amaliegade, Amalienborg
At 14.30 The royal couple hold a reception for special guests at Christiansborg Castle
At 15.00 Proclamation from the balcony of Christiansborg Castle
H.M. King Frederik 10 steps out onto the balcony at Christiansborg Castle, after which the Prime Minister proclaims the change of throne.
The king speaks and concludes with the new royal motto.
At 15.10 Salute of honor from Battery Sixtus
After the proclamation, a salute is fired with 3 x 27 shots from Battery Sixtus on Holmen, Copenhagen.
At 15.10 The Royal Flag is taken down and re-raised at Amalienborg
After the proclamation, the Royal Flag is taken down at Christian IX's Palace and raised at Frederik VIII's Palace, Amalienborg.
At 15.30 The royal couple rides in the carriage from Christiansborg Castle
After the proclamation, the royal couple rides in the carriage escorted by the Guardhussar Regiment's Horse Squadron from Christiansborg Castle to Frederik VIII's Palace, Amalienborg.
Route: Prins J?rgens G?rd, Holmens Bro, Holmens Kanal, Kongens Nytorv, Bredgade, Sankt Ann? Plads, Amaliegade, Amalienborg
At 17.00 Transfer of the royal banners
Transfer of the royal banners from Christian IX's Palace to Frederik VIII's Palace, Amalienborg.
Following on from above and from same source
Monday 15 January
At 10.00 Reception in the Folketing
The royal family participates in the Folketing's celebration of the change of throne. During the meeting in the Folketingsalen, the Speaker of the Folketing and the Prime Minister speak, and in this connection the Prime Minister brings an oral message from the King to the Folketing. Afterwards, the royal family attends a reception in the Landstingsalen.
Sunday, January 21
At 14.00 Celebration service in Aarhus Cathedral
On the occasion of the change of throne, a celebration service will be held in Aarhus Cathedral with representatives of official Denmark and representatives from the city of Aarhus. The service is led by the royal confessor and bishop of Aarhus Diocese, Henrik Wigh-Poulsen.
I wonder whether any of the news Channels here in Aus will send anyone to cover this. Probably not, but there could well be news feeds from Danish TV showing the new King and Queen on the balcony and in their carriage with cheering crowds in the streets. I hope so. This is, after all, the first time an Aussie will be a Queen Consort to a reigning King.
The program for the change of throne has answered one of my inquiries:
Will the Royal Gold Coach be used?
Danish abdication: How the day will unfold for Crown Prince Frederik as he ascends the throne following his mother Queen Margrethe's shock resignation (
Danish troops rehearse in the streets of Copenhagen ahead of royal succession ceremony for Crown Prince Frederik as he ascends the throne following (
Count Nikolai of Denmark, who lost his prince title in royal row, shares photo of 'sweet memories' with grandmother Queen Margrethe from palace (
Princess Mary's maths teacher dad will not be attending her coronation on January 14 - here's why | Daily Mail Online (
Article says soon to be Queen of Denmark her father cant travel due ages and health
Danish queens don't get to be crowned. But when Margrethe steps down this weekend, her daughter-in-law Mary inherits one of the most fabulous (
Did Queen Margrethe Tell Prince Frederik About Abdication 3 Days Before? (
Prince Joachim to Attend Queen Margrethe's Abdication Without Wife, Kids (
The historic moment in the Danish abdication that Crown Princess Mary and youngest children won't witness | HELLO! (
Article says will have history in Denmark include new sovereign Fred and Mary and expect CP Christian will be there but minus Princess Isabella,twins Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine
The symbolic gesture that will signal the start of a new reign in Denmark ? Royal Central (
What is a royal motto and why does Frederik X need one? ? Royal Central (
Who will attend Denmark?s day of history as the throne passes to a new monarch? ? Royal Central (
Why Queen Margrethe will be able to step in for her son after he becomes King Frederik X ? Royal Central (
Why is Queen Margrethe also known as Daisy? ? Royal Central (
Denmark prepares an emotional thank you to Queen Margrethe ? Royal Central (
Aarhus Cathedral, the setting for a service marking the start of a new reign ? Royal Central (
The tiara from a coronation that is the signature jewel of a queen who will never be crowned ? Royal Central (
This tiara belong to CP Frederick?s grandmother the Queen Ingrid till she died in 2000
The love story that helped build a modern monarchy: Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik ? Royal Central (
The man who would be king whose son is about to fulfil his dreams of a throne ? Royal Central (
Prince Henrik cant become King same late Duke of Edinburgh
What is a royal motto and why does Frederik X need one? ? Royal Central (
Who will attend Denmark?s day of history as the throne passes to a new monarch? ? Royal Central (
Why Queen Margrethe will be able to step in for her son after he becomes King Frederik X ? Royal Central (
Why is Queen Margrethe also known as Daisy? ? Royal Central (
Denmark prepares an emotional thank you to Queen Margrethe ? Royal Central (
Aarhus Cathedral, the setting for a service marking the start of a new reign ? Royal Central (
The tiara from a coronation that is the signature jewel of a queen who will never be crowned ? Royal Central (
This tiara belong to CP Frederick?s grandmother the Queen Ingrid till she died in 2000
The love story that helped build a modern monarchy: Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik ? Royal Central (
The man who would be king whose son is about to fulfil his dreams of a throne ? Royal Central (
Prince Henrik cant become King same late Duke of Edinburgh
Tomorrow Denmark will have its new monarch!
It will be very interesting to see what happens next with Fredrick and Mary, will they tour the country or go on a tour first? I think Mary will be a good and strong queen, Fredrick, not so sure as at times he acts like a wayward child wanting his own way.
I?ll be watching the event live on Sky News, so it will be a question of staying awake for it in the early hours after midnight Aus time.
Farvel Deres Majest?t!: Emotional Queen Margrethe listens to public singing to her on the eve of her abdication as royal fans pack out the streets of ( -
Queen Margrethe II abdication LIVE: Denmark prepares to proclaim Prince Frederik their new king and say goodbye to country's longest reigning march (
Preparations for Queen Margrethe II's abdication kick off as security make checks at Christiansborg Castle and royal stables prepare horses for the (
Danish abdication: How the day will unfold for Crown Prince Frederik - with excited crowds already gathering in Copenhagen, where hotels and (
Revealed: Princess Mary's ancestor was a widowed pauper who lived in a fisherman's cottage on the Scottish coast - from actual rags to the vast riches (
Looks interesting in new Queen Mary?s ancestor
New Queen Mary of Denmark has a lot in common with Kate Middleton, from twin styling to big broods and fairytale romances (and don't forget those (
The Danish royals you won't see at Queen Margrethe II's abdication: How the Queen of Denmark stripped her own grandchildren of their titles | Daily (
Queen Margrethe: Will abdication cause a ripple effect? (
Queen Margrethe II: First Danish monarch to abdicate for 900 years steps down - will it be on King Charles' mind? | World News | Sky News (
Crowds gather in Copenhagen as Queen Margrethe abdicates | Denmark | The Guardian (
Danes are cheering their new king Frederik X, but republicanism is stirring | Denmark | The Guardian (
Queen Margrethe abdication ?fears? that kings in two other European countries could quit | Royal | News | (
Denmark's rebellious Prince Frederik - from 'party prince' to alleged scandalous affair - Mirror Online (
Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark: A look at his journey from young 'party prince' to becoming King | The Sun (
Denmark?s day of destiny: Margrethe II to abdicate, Frederik X to take the throne ? Royal Central (
'God save the King': Queen Margrethe II's last words before leaving State of Council - where she SIGNED her abdication after 52 years on the throne - (
Queen Margrethe of Denmark Abdicates, Making Son King Frederik (
Danish abdication: Crown Prince Frederik becomes King as Queen Margrethe abdicates - best photos | HELLO! (
King Frederik X: Denmark welcomes new King as Queen Margrethe II abdicates - BBC News (
Frederik X: Denmark has new King as Queen Margrethe II abdicates in historic moment for Europe?s oldest monarchy | World News | Sky News (
Denmark?s King Frederik X takes throne after Margrethe abdicates | Denmark | The Guardian (
In Denmark will have no coronation but will have low key in England very traditional for King Charles?s coronation I understand in European royals will not allowed have coronation will have swearing or formal ceremonies same Belgium,Netherland,Monaco,Spain
Queen Margrethe of Denmark prepares to step down as King Frederik X is crowned | Royal | News | (
King Charles and Queen Camilla send Denmark's new monarch 'best wishes' after abdication - Mirror Online (
King Charles and Queen Camilla send to newly sovereign King Frederick and Queen Mary
Queen Margrethe II of Denmark abdicates ? Royal Central (
Denmark?s King Frederik X takes the throne after abdication of Queen | CNN (
Crown Princess Mary Elizabeth: Why Denmark will give the world the first Australian-born Queen | CNN (
Newly Queen Mary will become first time in history she is Australia born Queen
No monarchy or Princedom or Grand Duchy in Europe has a Coronation. Only the UK. And imo the UK event is probably likely to be extremely pared down in the next sixty years or so, if the British monarchy lasts that long.
Yes, I?ve just seen it live, from start (and before the start) to the finish. It was absolutely wonderful. Superb. The crowd were very cheerful. They sang a little at one stage. Unlike our Coronations the crowds could get very near the carriage and cars.
Queen Daisy (in red) was very dignified and seemed happy when she signed the documents. Crown Prince Christian was looking closely.
King Frederik was rather teary and emotional both at the ceremony and on the balcony. He and Mary got a wonderful reception from the crowd though. They smiled at each other, had a kiss. Josephine looked upset about something.
Sealed with a kiss! Denmark's new King Frederik is joined by Queen Mary in emotional balcony appearance after he is officially proclaimed monarch - as (
Long live the Queen! Mary of Denmark is elegant in an all-white ensemble as she shares a kiss with her husband on the balcony of Christiansborg Castle (
Charles and Camilla send Crown Prince Frederik and his wife Mary their 'very best wishes' as they become King and Queen of Denmark - and pay tribute (
All About King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark's Royal Love Story (
King Charles and Queen Camilla send personal message to King Frederik and Queen Mary on accession day | HELLO! (
The speech given by King Frederik X on Jan 14th, 2024 from the Balcony of Christiansborg Palace shortly after his accession:
My mother, Her Majesty Queen Margrethe the 2nd, has ruled Denmark for 52 years. For half a century, she has followed the times with our common heritage as a starting point.
She will always be remembered as a Monarch beyond the ordinary. Like few, my mother has managed to be at one with her kingdom. Today, the throne passes on.
My hope is to become an unifying king of tomorrow. It's a task I've been waiting for all my life. It is a responsibility I take on with respect, pride and great joy.
It is a deed I will take pains to carry out and carry through the position I have been entrusted with.
I need all the support I can get. From my beloved wife, from my family, from you and from that which is greater than us. I face the future knowing that I am not alone.
King Frederik?s motto. All Danish monarchs declare their own personal mottos upon their accession. Most mention God in some form but Frederik?s didn?t.
?Bound, committed, for the Kingdom of Denmark.?
Quote from: Curryong on January 14, 2024, 02:33:34 PM
No monarchy or Princedom or Grand Duchy in Europe has a Coronation. Only the UK. And imo the UK event is probably likely to be extremely pared down in the next sixty years or so, if the British monarchy lasts that long.
Nope!! Just low key ceremony in UK coronation only not in European have coronation if former King or Queen survived who had abdication cant have coronation in European but only in London
Crown Prince Christian of Denmark Steps Out for First Time as Heir (
King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark Make First Appearance as Monarch (
King Frederik, Queen Mary of Denmark Share Kiss amid Affair Rumors (
Why Prince Christian of Denmark wasn't wearing military uniform for father King Frederik's historic accession | HELLO! (
CP Christian not yet in military uniform
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark is every inch a Queen in angelic white outfit stitched by her wedding dressmaker | HELLO! (
Newly Queen Mary chosen from wedding dress in 2004
Frederik X: Denmark has new King as Queen Margrethe II abdicates in historic moment for Europe?s oldest monarchy | World News | Sky News (
Queen Margrethe of Denmark officially steps down as King Frederik X is crowned | Royal | News | (
New King Frederik and Queen Mary put on a united front as they greet cheering crowds as Margareth abdicates | The Sun (
Article says And also will have no coronation in Denmark ?This is only the second time a Danish sovereign has stepped down - the last one was Erik III, almost nine centuries ago in 1146.? 878 years ago but almost 900 years ago ?No foreign dignitaries or royals were invited, and there is no coronation or throne for the new monarch.?
The King of Sweden sends poignant telegram to Queen Margrethe of Denmark on the day of her abdication ? Royal Central (
King of Sweden send telegram message to current abduction Queen Margrethe
I understood from what I have read that King Eric was more or less a hostage to his enemies and was forced to abdicate. That isn?t the case here.
And as for no Coronation, most Danes would think that sort of pomp and ornate ritual completely OTT. However I saw real love and interaction between those crowds and their new King and Queen today. Simple but also heartwarming. And no 80+ year old royals having to be propped up for official photos either, such as happened in London with Alexandra.
The crowds absolutely loved Frederik as they had loved Queen Daisy, for whom people came out in the cold last night and sang to her, the national anthem, next to the Palace. And the King hugged his younger daughter, and repeatedly pressed his hand against his heart as an expression of being at one with his cheering people. A people incidentally who are allowed to assemble very very near to their monarch?s Palaces.
And for myself. I thought it was all absolutely wonderful. And this King doesn?t have approval ratings lower than his non-working royal niece?s. So Charles can keep his good wishes to himself.
Princess Josephine, 13, is the Danish royal family's 'Prince Louis', body language expert says - as cheeky young royal steals the show on palace (
Quote from: sara8150 on January 14, 2024, 03:58:09 PM
Princess Josephine, 13, is the Danish royal family's 'Prince Louis', body language expert says - as cheeky young royal steals the show on palace (
Oh, pleeeze, why does everything always have to be compared to one or another of the Wales children by British tabloids? Typical of the Fail though! Princess Josephine is 13 not 5 like Louis. She is usually fine, a very calm and serene girl. I noticed she was a bit upset when the family first came out on the balcony. She wasn?t waving and looked to be on the brink of tears. It was probably the combination of a really big day, seeing her grandmother abdicate, her father a bit teary and the huge crowds.
And, by the way, the Danish news service has reported that Cr Prince Haakon and Prss M-M have arrived at the Palace for the evening celebrations which will include fireworks in the Tivoli Gardens.
I watched Frederick take the throne today with Mary by his side and his children. It is an exciting day in Denmark! The large crowd gathered to witness the passing of the throne and wish the new monarch well. Queen Margrethe has served Denmark for decades. I hope she is well and transitions into a role she is happy with shortly. Denmark is probably very emotional to see her move on from her service.
Quote from: Curryong on January 14, 2024, 02:40:30 PM
Yes, I?ve just seen it live, from start (and before the start) to the finish. It was absolutely wonderful. Superb. The crowd were very cheerful. They sang a little at one stage. Unlike our Coronations the crowds could get very near the carriage and cars.
Queen Daisy (in red) was very dignified and seemed happy when she signed the documents. Crown Prince Christian was looking closely.
King Frederik was rather teary and emotional both at the ceremony and on the balcony. He and Mary got a wonderful reception from the crowd though. They smiled at each other, had a kiss. Josephine looked upset about something.
Thank you
@Curryong for your review of the Abdication and Ascension today. I just finished watching the video of the balcony proclamation. It
clear that KFX was very emotional as was Queen Mary. CP Christian and his siblings were a range of expressions. Princess Isabella has her "game face" on while Josephine was a bit overwhelmed IMO.
Wonderful crowds today in very chilly Copenhagen.
@sara8150, Thank you for all the Danish royal videos.
:stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars:
Like mother, like son! How Queen Margrethe II commenced her reign exactly 52 years ago... And today, she passed the crown to her son, King Frederik X (
Girls just wanna have fun!' Denmark Royal Family pays tribute to Margrethe II in video as Denmark welcomes a new King and Queen | Daily Mail Online (
Europe Has No Female Monarchs Following Queen Margrethe's Abdication (
Surprised will have no female sovereign include former Queen Elizabeth,Queen Margrethe and Queen Beatrix they now Princess Beatrix
King Frederik and Queen Mary: Best photos from accession day | HELLO! (
Prince Joachim proudly looks on as an emotional King Frederik and his family appear on balcony | HELLO! (
Queen Margrethe's last words as Danish monarch revealed | HELLO! (
How Queen Margrethe paid tribute to late husband Prince Henrik on abdication day | HELLO! (
Frederik X: Denmark has new King as Queen Margrethe II abdicates in historic moment for Europe?s oldest monarchy | World News | Sky News (
Margrethe's last four words as Queen of Denmark as she abdicates the throne | Royal | News | (
Denmark's King Frederik and Queen Mary celebrate new reign with balcony kiss for crowds - Mirror Online (
Sealed with a kiss: the crowning moment of a day of history for King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark ? Royal Central (
Queen Margrethe and King Frederik in tears at abdication ? Royal Central (
King Charles III?s message to King Frederik X and Queen Mary: ?I look forward to working with you? ? Royal Central (
As I posted before, I loved the accession ceremony and the proceedings before and afterwards, which I watched live all the way through, even if it was the early hours of the morning here in Australia!
It was indeed a real breath of fresh air to see the simplicity of it all, the dignity of Queen Margrethe, and the emotion and great love expressed between King Frederik, Queen Mary and the ordinary Danes out in the streets and in front of the palaces.
I still feel overcome by it to tell you the truth. Those cheers and the roar when the royal couple and their children appeared! Btw I would say there were more than the estimated 150,000 people out celebrating on the streets.
A dignified and moving ceremony. It was touching to see the love and support of the Danish citizens. May Queen Margrethe enjoy a well-earned long and happy retirement. Congratulations to the new King Frederik X and Queen Mary. I'm sure they will do a wonderful job.
King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark visit parliament on first day in new position and are joined by Queen Margrethe and Prince Joachim in a sign (
Queen Mary of Denmark Doesn't Curtsy to Queen Margrethe for First Time (
King Frederik and Queen Mary make first appearance since accession | HELLO! (
It all seemed very strange to see Queen Margrethe (swathed in furs, it looked as if it was snowing and mightily cold) walking behind the new King and Queen and, with her son Joachim and her sister, take a second row seat at the service. Even Crown Prince Christian walked in ahead of her. She looked happy though. Queen Mary looked very elegant.
Amusing that media is breathlessly reporting that 18 year old Christian is now ?the world?s most eligible bachelor? as he is the only unmarried heir to a throne in Europe. Poor kid!
The heir and spare who CAN get on! New King Frederik of Denmark proves brother Prince Joachim is a key part of the monarchy by including him in first (
Queen Margrethe abdicated so that Mary and Frederik didn't end up like Charles, 75, and Camilla, 76, who look like they're 'ready for sheltered (
Behind the scenes of King Frederik's proclamation: Danish Royals share intimate and VERY telling glimpses - from Queen Mary clinging to Princess (
Denmark's new Crown Prince Christian and his cheeky siblings stole the show as they celebrated their parents' King Frederik and Queen Mary's big day | (
The four small but significant details you missed as Frederik and Mary ascended the throne as King and Queen of Denmark | Daily Mail Online (
King Frederik Stars in Behind-the-Scenes Video of Denmark Change of Reign (
Denmark's cool, Scandi 'coronation' felt similar to the UK's (
I like the bouquet of flowers Princess Benedikte was holding. :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:
According to the latest estimates on the Abdication/ Accession Day ?some 174.000 were standing at Christiansborg.
Some 52.000 at a major square in Copenhagen, that the carriage and car passed.
And some 73.000 at Amalieborg.
And altogether some 3 million watched it on TV.
DK at present has a population of 5.9 million.
People along the route seems not to have been counted.?
And as for the remarks by the ex Danish Defence Minister about Charles and Camilla looking ready for Sheltered Housing which was one reason why Queen Daisy decided to go, he wasn?t alone. According to reports at the time the Spanish King JC stated that he did not want to see his heir ?fading? like Charles into old age waiting waiting. Yes there were other cogent reasons for JC?s abdication but that obviously still entered into the calculations.
The late Queen Elizabeth?s youth was haunted by the spectre of the events of 1936 and she took her anointing at her Coronation seriously. Nevertheless, with the benefit of hindsight and seeing Felipe of Spain and Philippe of the Belgians having their moment while they were young and active I can?t help reflecting that if the late Queen had abdicated at 80 or even 85 then Charles could have made a viable new monarch with still young sons and she could have enjoyed over a decade in happy retirement with PP.
Doing one?s duty till one?s last breath has its limitations. And that was seen by the youth, energy and enthusiasm of the new Danish RF last Sunday.
As it is, there are far too many BRF working royals of over 70+ to appeal to younger generations, hard though Anne and Charles work. The sight of frail 80+ pluses like the Kents at the Coronation last May was instructive.
Quote from: Curryong on January 14, 2024, 04:11:29 PM
Oh, pleeeze, why does everything always have to be compared to one or another of the Wales children by British tabloids? Typical of the Fail though! Princess Josephine is 13 not 5 like Louis. She is usually fine, a very calm and serene girl. I noticed she was a bit upset when the family first came out on the balcony. She wasn?t waving and looked to be on the brink of tears. It was probably the combination of a really big day, seeing her grandmother abdicate, her father a bit teary and the huge crowds.
And, by the way, the Danish news service has reported that Cr Prince Haakon and Prss M-M have arrived at the Palace for the evening celebrations which will include fireworks in the Tivoli Gardens.
Well for one thing you brought the BRF into the picture with your comment upthread of Charles. And throughout Josephine's early childhood till now she has always shown to be a *showoff*, wanting attention focused on her first with her antics. The other 3 children have shown they are growing up and understanding their place and how to behave, not Josphine as she threw her arms up in the air in front of her father and brother to show she was first.....not behaving like her twin brother and older brother and sister.
Quote from: Nightowl on January 16, 2024, 06:22:25 AM
Well for one thing you brought the BRF into the picture with your comment upthread of Charles. And throughout Josephine's early childhood till now she has always shown to be a *showoff*, wanting attention focused on her first with her antics. The other 3 children have shown they are growing up and understanding their place and how to behave, not Josphine as she threw her arms up in the air in front of her father and brother to show she was first.....not behaving like her twin brother and older brother and sister.
Did you watch the Danish Abdication/Accession all the way through? Because I did, sitting up watching Sky News and a Danish TV service that showed absolutely everything, in the early hours of an Aussie morning. From the crowds just waiting from a half hour before anything happened, to scenes later on Aus Sunrise TV of the fireworks in the Tivoli Gardens.
When the family first went out on the balcony following the Acclamation by the PM, Josephine appeared quiet and a bit upset. She stood there with her arms by her side. She didn?t wave.
Others who were watching on the big Royal forum at the time also noticed that she appeared overwhelmed and upset, so it wasn?t just me. She threw her arms out LATER, at the second Palace appearance later that evening when she came out more cheerful, with her arms around her father. It was the FIRST appearance by Josephine that I was commenting on. And, like her siblings Josephine usually behaves well and does not show off. Sverre Magnus of Sweden has performed on the balcony, so has Louis.
I?ve followed the Danish royals for over twenty years since Mary, a Tasmanian, married Fred, because of the Aus connection and have seen the family grow up.
I agree that there we're more than the estimated number. It likely seems smaller at Amalienborg because of the layout of the 4 identical places around the square limits the number who can be in that space.
Quote from: Curryong on January 16, 2024, 08:11:11 AM
Did you watch the Danish Abdication/Accession all the way through? Because I did, sitting up watching Sky News and a Danish TV service that showed absolutely everything, in the early hours of an Aussie morning. From the crowds just waiting from a half hour before anything happened, to scenes later on Aus Sunrise TV of the fireworks in the Tivoli Gardens.
When the family first went out on the balcony following the Acclamation by the PM, Josephine appeared quiet and a bit upset. She stood there with her arms by her side. She didn?t wave.
Others who were watching on the big Royal forum at the time also noticed that she appeared overwhelmed and upset, so it wasn?t just me. She threw her arms out LATER, at the second Palace appearance later that evening when she came out more cheerful, with her arms around her father. It was the FIRST appearance by Josephine that I was commenting on. And, like her siblings Josephine usually behaves well and does not show off. Sverre Magnus of Sweden has performed on the balcony, so has Louis.
I?ve followed the Danish royals for over twenty years since Mary, a Tasmanian, married Fred, because of the Aus connection and have seen the family grow up.
Yes im been royal watcher since late Diana,Princess of Wales for 1997 26 1/2 years will be 27 years on August 31 include members of the British royal family and European royals
On speaking of the Accession of King Frederik X to the throne, one person declared the Accession was 'totally steeped in tradition'.
Great coverage!
First official portraits of King Frederik and Queen Mary as monarch are released as they pose with four children | Daily Mail Online (
King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark wave to well-wishers as they attend the first Sunday service of the new monarch's reign outside a snowy Aarhus (
Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on January 21, 2024, 02:47:37 PM
King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark wave to well-wishers as they attend the first Sunday service of the new monarch's reign outside a snowy Aarhus (
Terrible weather, snowy and freezing but crowds came out to see the Royal Family. It was being shown on Danish TV. Everybody was there, including Queen Daisy and her sister Benedikte, and Christian and his younger siblings. King Frederik and Queen Mary very prominent of course and in the front row at Church. Christian (who did not wear a top coat,) now precedes his grandmother.
A Lutheran service of course, in a very old church, and I was interested to learn that Queen Margrethe had designed each cape worn by the five Bishops who processed down the aisle. Queen Mary chose at least one of the hymns, ?Eternal Father, Strong to Save?. A beautiful hymn. played at her wedding and her mother?s funeral.
King Frederik's most personal revelations from new book: Danish monarch glosses over affair rumours by revealing he's reached 'stable point' with (
King Frederik of Denmark Reveals His New Signature as Monarch (
King Frederik of Denmark's new fancy signature revealed following mother Queen Margrethe's shock abdication | HELLO! (
Yesterday, Queen Mary visits the final of the men's European Handball Championship between Denmark and France:
From January 31st to February 2nd, when King Frederik X is abroad, it will be Crown Prince Christian who will assume the role of regent:
Kongehuset bekr?fter: Kronprins Christian f?r vigtig funktion i kong Frederiks frav?r | BILLED-BLADET (
Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on January 30, 2024, 10:47:54 PM
From January 31st to February 2nd, when King Frederik X is abroad, it will be Crown Prince Christian who will assume the role of regent:
Kongehuset bekr?fter: Kronprins Christian f?r vigtig funktion i kong Frederiks frav?r | BILLED-BLADET (
This (rigsforstander/regent) is a very prestigious and important position for an 18 year old, and very soon after his father?s accession too. However the sooner Christian starts these ceremonial roles the more experienced he will be by the time he takes up fulltime royal duties in another four or five years? time.
Poland's President Andrzej Duda has hosted an official welcoming ceremony for King Frederik at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw:
King Frederik January 31 Pictures and Photos - Getty Images (,%202024&sort=newest&irgwc=1&esource=AFF_GI_IR_Skimbit%20Ltd._10078&asid=Skimbit%20Ltd.&cid=GI&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Skimbit%20Ltd.&utm_content=10078
Day 2:
King Frederik February 1 Pictures and Photos - Getty Images (,%202024&irgwc=1&esource=AFF_GI_IR_Skimbit%20Ltd._10078&asid=Skimbit%20Ltd.&cid=GI&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Skimbit%20Ltd.&utm_content=10078
Quote from: sara8150 on January 23, 2024, 10:27:26 PM
King Frederik's most personal revelations from new book: Danish monarch glosses over affair rumours by revealing he's reached 'stable point' with (
King Frederik of Denmark Reveals His New Signature as Monarch (
King Frederik of Denmark's new fancy signature revealed following mother Queen Margrethe's shock abdication | HELLO! (
I like the fact that King Frederik X signs his signature with an R.
Frederik is not trying to copycat King Charles III.
Other sovereigns and Emperors have used the R in their signature.
Quote from: LouisFerdinand on February 01, 2024, 08:32:59 PM
I like the fact that King Frederik X signs his signature with an R.
Frederik is not trying to copycat King Charles III.
Other sovereigns and Emperors have used the R in their signature.
Yes they have, since at least the Twelfth Century. King Henry I of England was the first English King noted to have signed with an R. The medieval Holy Roman Emperors almost certainly did so.
TM The King and The Queen will carry out visits to Sweden, Norway, the Faroe Islands and Greenland, respectively, in the early summer. The Royal Yacht Dannebrog will function as the residence during those trips:
The King and The Queen to visit Sweden, Norway, The Faroe Islands and Greenland (
King Frederik X and Queen Mary of Denmark put on a united front as they share smiling snaps from Palace dinner - days after Genoveva Casanova slammed affair rumours on social media -
Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on March 12, 2024, 09:00:18 PMKing Frederik X and Queen Mary of Denmark put on a united front as they share smiling snaps from Palace dinner - days after Genoveva Casanova slammed affair rumours on social media -
Yes, the DM still flogging that dead horse, as is usual with them, ie take no notice at all of any other royal families in the world unless there's some hint of a scandal brewing. And then they get onto it faster than a rat up the proverbial drainpipe. And that particular 'scandal' has been dead in the water for weeks, mixing my metaphors here!
Mary knows exactly what Fred is about. He's got the mindset of a twenty year old when it comes to females and probably the m.o. of one as well! In fact, CP Christian appears more mature than his father.
However Mary has known him now for nearly a quarter of a century so none of it perturbs her. She probably just rolls her eyes and carries on with her usual activities until it all blows over, and it always does. Many women are married to men like that. Fred may mature when he's about eighty but I wouldn't count on it!
Today, HM The King receives the ambassador from India in a farewell audience:
Queen Margrethe attended the Easter Sunday mass at Aarhus Cathedral today:,compress&fit=min&crop=faces,entropy&w=820
Queen Mary of Denmark steps out solo as she attends Freedom museum in Copenhagen as cracks reappear in the Danish royal family after fans speculate someone 'stayed away' from their Easter holiday -
A public audience was held today by King Frederik:
Today, King Frederik X receives ambassadors from Slovakia, the Republic of Guinea and Armenia in an accession audience. Palace of Christian VII, Amalienborg.
The danish government proposes to increase the Parliamentary allowance of the Royal Family from 16,9 M € to 19,3M €. 47% of those surveyed believe there should be more official duties in exchange for the additional money. -
Fred doesn't exactly burn the candle at both ends
Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on April 12, 2024, 04:42:58 PMThe danish government proposes to increase the Parliamentary allowance of the Royal Family from 16,9 M € to 19,3M €. 47% of those surveyed believe there should be more official duties in exchange for the additional money. -
Fred doesn't exactly burn the candle at both ends
None of the adult working members of the Danish RF do, though. Denmark is a very small country and the number of engagements carried out each year are minute in comparison to other royal Houses, except perhaps the Japanese monarchy in a country which has a much larger population and occupies a more symbolic role since WW2. Japanese RF members could in theory undertake dozens more engagements than they do.
However, in very small countries like Denmark and Norway there aren't too many organisations to visit more than once a year or places to open (unless they follow the Monaco royals and begin opening bars and restaurants.)
Naturally,ordinary citizens don't want to fork out their tax money on people they don't see very often and it's true that there has been grumbling since Fred's accession that the Regent Couple have been rarely seen. However, they forget I think, that Queen Margarethe still needs an income and staff and Christian is now 18. He'll be taking on royal duties and taking on roles in the hierarchy soon enough.
Queen Mary received Ukraine's first lady Olena Volodymyrivna Zelenska in Frederik VIII's Palace.
King Frederik released a message today following the destructive fire at Denmark's historic old stock exchange building in the centre of Copenhagen:
Queen Mary and King Frederik of Denmark join Queen Margrethe to celebrate her 84th birthday -
Queen Mary of Denmark welcomes Olena Zelenska, to Copenhagen as Ukraine's Firsy Lady praises the Danish royal family for its ongoing 'support'
BilledBladet: Queen Mary visited Bostedet Aars and attended Aalborg University's 50th anniversary celebration today, April 19: (
BilledBladet: See the pictures: Queen Mary begins the week with a lovely walk in the forest at Falster (
King Frederik, Queen Margrethe and Crown Prince Christian made a private tour of the National History Museum at Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød today, April 23, and witnessed the Crown Prince's elephant knight shield being hung in the Knight's Chapel in the Castle Church:
HM The King's speech at the opening of DMJX, campus Copenhagen
I wonder how Mary and King Frederick are adjusting to their new role as King and Queen.
The Danish Royal Court has released the first Official Gala Portraits of King Frederik X and Queen Mary of Denmark following their Accession to the Danish Throne in January -
Billedbladet: Queen Mary attended the presentation of grants from The Crown Princess Mary Scholarship at the University of Copenhagen today (
Billedbladet: Queen Margrethe attended the inauguration of the anniversary gift for her golden jubilee in 2022 from the Government and the Folketing at Nordatlantens Brygge in Copenhagen today (
BilledBladet: Today, 3rd May, King Frederik attended the annual DTU Commemoration Day. (
Lithuanian Parliament Speaker Viktorija Čmilyt -Nielsen is visiting Denmark and a short time ago His Majesty the King received the Speaker in Christian VII's Palace, Amalienborg
Daily Mail: King Frederik X of Denmark looked ready for action as he kicked off the annual Royal Run in the town of Fredericia today. (
Daily Mail: Queen Mary of Denmark shares a sweet moment with her daughter Princess Josephine, 13, after they completed annual Royal Run with 15-year-old Princess Isabella (
This morning HM Queen Mary took part in the Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2024.
Instagram: This morning, May 23, King Frederik attended a conference at the King Frederiks Center for Public Management at Aarhus University (
Instagram: Today, King Frederik welcomes new Navy lieutenants on the royal yacht Dannebrog (
King Frederick seems to be enjoying his reign so far. He looks happy.
BilledBladet: Queen Mary visits St. Maria Hospice in Vejle. (
BilledBladet: King Frederik marks the 80th anniversary of the landing in Normandy (
Official website: King Frederik holds the State Council today (
Getty Images: King Frederik opened the first tunnel element of the Femern Belt Tunnel today (
Official website: The King receives Iceland's ambassador in a farewell audience. Christian VII's Palace, Amalienborg today (
Daily Mail: Queen Mary of Denmark stuns in orange as she hosts special event at a college in Copenhagen (
BilledBladet: June 22, King Frederik presided over the opening of Metro line M4 in Copenhagen (
BilledBladet: Crown Prince Christian highschool graduation was today (
Great to see Christian fully graduated from school now, with his proud family. It looks as if he may take a year or so to do some travelling rather than go into the military straight away. Very unusual for a male Danish heir, his father and uncle didn't do so. However, King Frederik is still youngish with no health complaints so a gap year may not matter for his son. It does however push Christian's tertiary education back a bit to a graduation with degree in his mid twenties if he does the full minimum of two years in the military, perhaps the navy, before that.
Daily Mail: Queen Mary of Denmark walks hand-in-hand with King Frederik during visit to Greenland alongside twin children Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine (
Instagram: King Frederik met Danish athletes preparing for the Summer Olympics (
Daily Mail: King Frederik of Denmark sends royal fans wild by trying out hammer throwing, BMX biking and table tennis as he shows support for his national teams ahead of the Olympics (
King Frederik, Queen Mary, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie attended the funeral of the former head of the danish court Per Thornit.
On Monday, the king had invited a public audience at Christiansborg Castle, where 17 people showed up to thank them for orders and medals
BilledBladet: See all the photos: King Frederik received special guests at Christiansborg Castle (
Official website: Program for the King and Queen's summer tour 2024 (
Instagram: Queen Mary hosted a meeting with the Queen Marys Center's Advisory Committee today, August 29 (
Queen Margrethe attended the official opening of an exhibition at the Viking Museum Fyrkat in Hobro today, September 2
I think Queen Margrethe is thoroughly enjoying her retirement. She looks healthy and refreshed.
King Frederik and Queen Mary participate in activities in connection with the Flagdag for Denmark.
Queen Margrethe inaugurated the Monument area in Jelling today, September 6.
Count Ingolf and Countess Sussie attended as well.
Daily Mail: Queen Mary of Denmark looks sombre as she lays a wreath with King Frederik at memorial service for fallen Danish soldiers on Flag Day in Copenhagen (
BilledBladet: King Frederik and Queen Mary host a reception in honor of the Danish Olympic and PL athletes on Thursday afternoon (
Instagram (
Daily Mail: Queen Mary of Denmark is effortlessly elegant in floral frock and white trench - as she and her husband King Frederik host a royal reception for athletes that took part in the Olympic and Paralympic Games (
Queen Margrethe had the honor of presenting the Rungstedlund prize to professor of astrophysics at the Niels Bohr Institute, Anja C. Andersen
Queen Margrethe has been admitted to hospital yesterday evening, the Palace has confirmed.
She has fallen at Fredensborg Castle yesterday evening.
BilledBladet: King Frederik has received the Ambassadors of Iceland, Bulgaria, China, Burkina Faso and Estonia this morning, September 19 (
I am very sorry to hear of Queen Daisy's fall, unfortunately something that often happens in one's old age. Wishing her all the best. She is a vigorous and spirited old lady however and I'm sure she will be out and about again soon.
Poor Queen Daisy! Neck brace and no doubt more treatment for her back. As well, with winter coming on evenings by the fire doing her tapestry work is likely to be difficult for the next few weeks with her hand in a plaster cast. And she has really looked so bright and happy when out and about this summer. Hope that she recovers quickly but it's doubtful she will be seen out in public for quite a while.
Queen Mary participated in the awarding of the Teaching Award 2024 in Copenhagen today, September 23
Official website: King Frederik X today received a copy of the new succession coin, which features portraits of the King and Queen Margrethe II, which symbolizes the succession (
BilledBladet: Queen Mary opened the exhibition on the children's hospital of the future on Wednesday (
Pics: King Frederik attended the DI (Danish Industry) Summit 2024 in Copenhagen today, September 26 (
The King and Queen attend a dinner in connection with Børsen, The Old Stock Exchange's 400th anniversary
Mary looks very smart at that Stock Exchange dinner. I do like her dress. Strapless gowns can look disastrous if the wearer is too thin or too large in the shoulders, upper arms, or is too bosomy, but Queen Mary looks fine. She and King Frederik are doing well with their appearances and engagements since Queen Daisy's departure. Thankfully the former Queen is now at home and relaxing a bit.
Queen Mary arrived for the Psychiatry Summit.
Instagram: The King received today Sweden's Parliament Speaker Andreas Norlén in the Knights Hall in Christian VII's Palace in Amalienborg (
Day 1 of Queen Mary's official visit to Brazil
Yesterday Queen Mary took part in a luncheon at a local restaurant, that prepares food with sustainable use of produce harvested and grown by indigenous people.
Queen Mary visited the Embrapa Cerrados, which is the Brazilian agricultural research institute in the savannah area
Yes, Mary is getting quite a lot of good publicity in the Australian media at the moment with this trip to Brazil. Lots of photogenic photo-opportunities such as her bottle -feeding a manatee, which appeared on our 6pm news tonight.
The state visit from Iceland to Denmark has started.
Pics: (
BilledBladet: LIVE BLOG: The royal couple welcomes the Icelandic presidential couple (
Hello Magazine: King Frederik and Queen Mary reunite to host first state visit - best photos (
I wonder what hosting their first State visit must feel like for the King and Queen? The first of many to come, I'm sure, but it's still a great sea-change in their lives. And there's no-one to share the duties really, with Queen Daisy out of action, except for Prss Benedikte, with Christian away. Anyway, the Icelandic first couple are known to them both I think so that's good, and it's certain to go off well.
Queen Mary as Patron of The Christmas Seal Foundation (Julemærkefonden) attended the presentation of this year's Christmas stamp at Copenhagen City Hall this morning, October 10
This evening King Frederik and Queen Mary attended a dinner on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the American Chamber of Commerce Denmark at Moltke's Palace in Copenhagen
King Frederik and Queen Mary participated in Holstebro's 750th anniversary celebration in Holstebro today, October 11
Read more: BilledBladet (
Daily Mail: Queen Mary of Denmark turns heads in a £970 pencil skirt as she meets German President in Berlin (
The Chairman of the EU Military Committee, General Robert Brieger, is in Denmark and was received earlier today by His Majesty the King in Frederik VIII's Palace in Amalienborg. The EU's supreme military chief was accompanied by the chief of defense during today's visit.
Instagram (
Daily Mail: Queen Mary of Denmark announces her foundation is launching a podcast about 'loneliness' among young people (
Queen Mary participated in the unveiling of the monument to Countess Danner in Copenhagen today, November 25:
Instagram (
Kongehuset: HM The Queen's speech at the unveiling of the Monument for Countess Danner on 25 November 2024 (
At the invitation of The King and The Queen of Denmark, The President of The Arab Republic of Egypt, Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, pays a state visit to Denmark the days of 6-7 December 2024.
In Fælledparken Copenhagen Queen Mary planted an oak tree to mark the accession to the throne. In HM Queen's birthplace, Hobart, an eucalyptus tree of the species 'blue gum' was planted.
Instagram: Queen Mary hosts Christmas reception for Mary Foundation partners (
Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on December 02, 2024, 01:46:54 PMAt the invitation of The King and The Queen of Denmark, The President of The Arab Republic of Egypt, Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, pays a state visit to Denmark the days of 6-7 December 2024.
Programme for state visit from Egypt
Kongehuset (
King Frederik and Queen Mary greeted HE The President of Egypt at Christian VII's Palace and watched a guard of honour from The Royal Life Guard, before departing for the Wreath-laying ceremony at The Citadel.
Daily Mail: Queen Mary of Denmark nails festive chic is cosy green coat as she joins husband King Frederik to welcome Egyptian President (
For the second Sunday of Advent Queen Mary attended a confirmation preparation in Bispebjerg to talk about Christmas and joyful traditions.
Today, December 11th, Queen Mary met with the Secretary General of the Danish Refugee Council to receive various briefings and statutes of the organizations work
Instagram (
Daily Mail: King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark host their first annual New Year's dinner alongside their dashing son Prince Christian, 19, and other glamorous royals (
The first annual New Year's Dinner of the new reign brought all of them out. Glad to see Joachim and Marie there. And everyone looked beautiful, happy, well etc.including young Christian. Probably next year Izzie will join them too.
Daily Mail: Queen Mary of Denmark dazzles in diamonds as she joins King Frederik at New Year's Reception (
The King and Queen have taken the reigns of the Monarchy with grace and force. Wishing them well in the New Year.
Quote from: Blue Clover on January 08, 2025, 04:12:46 AMThe King and Queen have taken the reigns of the Monarchy with grace and force. Wishing them well in the New Year.
Well, unfortunately the DRF might well experience a worrying next four years. President-elect Trump has made some firm statements about the US wanting and needing Greenland for its own defence (and the minerals known to be there are of course not inconsiderable.) He's had his eye on Greenland since the last time he was President and is making the same sort of remarks.
There is a large independence movement in Greenland which might well be impressed once Musk starts throwing his future donations to right wing European and other groups around. There are already signs that money will be pouring in to right wing and anti immigrant opposition parties all over the world.
No wonder King Frederik has altered the design of his coat of arms to further illuminate Greenland upon it. Greenland (and Denmark) had better watch out! Shades of that strange decade the 1930s are beginning to form, imo. And maybe everyone who values democracy had better watch out!
At 9:30 a.m., King Frederik held a public audience, and no fewer than 80 Danes showed up.
The audience is an opportunity to personally thank the King for, for example, the awarding of a royal order or medal, a royal appointment or for the King's participation at an opening or a visit.
Billedbladet (http://billedbladet)
King Frederik has marked the first year of his reign by reflecting on the day of his proclamation.
On Tuesday, the monarch shared a range of new behind-the-scenes images taken on January 14 last year, just moments before Crown Prince Frederik became King Frederik.
"Seriousness. Concentration. A smile on my face," His Majesty said in the caption
"It was all at stake when this time a year ago I was getting ready for the proclamation.
"Taking over my mother without having to say goodbye at the same time was and is a privilege of the greats."
9Honey (
King Frederik received new ambassadors from Trinidad/Tobago, United Arab Emirates, Laos and the Dominican Republic and the outgoing ambassadors from South Africa, the US and Spain.
King Frederik received the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Gordan Jandrokovic at Frederik VIII's Palace, Amalienborg today, January 21
Instagram (
Frederik and Mary attended the premier of Jeppe på Bjerget" at The Royal Threatre's Old Stage
Billedbladet (
As Patron of the Danish Nature Fund Queen Mary visited Lerbjerg Forest today, January 30:
In the spring of 2025, Their Majesties The King and The Queen will pay state visits to Finland and France, and HM The King will later make an accession visit to Japan.
Kongehuset (
Queen Mary and King Frederik arrive for a church service on the occasion of the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine.
Billedbladet (
Queen Mary presented the Ministry of Higher Education and Science's EliteForsk Awards 2025 today, February 25:
Daily Mail: Belle of the ball! Queen Mary of Denmark dazzles in a glittering pink gown as she joins King Frederik to host gala dinner in Copenhagen (
Daily Mail: Queen Mary of Denmark oozes glamour in a show-stealing gown and tiara as she attends gala dinner with husband King Frederik X in Finland (
State Visit day 2:
Getty Images (
Daily Mail: King Frederik of Denmark looks focused as he drives a tank during Finland state visit with Queen Mary (
Today, March 12, King Frederik received the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan at Frederik VIII's Palace, Amalienborg:
Instagram (